Friday, February 28, 2020

Intro to Mgt Syst Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro to Mgt Syst - Assignment Example By instituting privacy policies in information systems, organizations can safeguard personal information of their employees and customers from access and manipulation by ill-motivated individuals. There are several human and technological protective measures that can be used to safeguard and enforce privacy in information systems. Some of the most operative and widely used mechanisms include encryption, data masking, and authentication. Kim and Solomon (2012) define encryption as the process of encoding information and/or messages in such a manner that only the authorized parties can access or read it. The process involves encrypting plaintext with an encryption algorithm to generate the cipher text that is only readable if decrypted. Therefore, any interceptor of the message cannot access it unless they provide the encryption key which is provided by the originator of the information (Kim & Solomon, 2012). Data masking, on the other hand, refer to the process of hiding the original data with random characters to prevent classified personal data from access by unauthorized persons (Rainer & Cegielski, 2012). Data masking aims at protecting the actual data by having a function al substitute when the real data is not required. Authentication is another measure that can be taken by determining whether something or someone is what he or she declares to be. Authentication in information systems is attained through the use of logon passwords and pin numbers (Kim & Solomon, 2012). There are several problems related to management information systems that arise from privacy of information. One of the most common problems is security breaches, which emanate as a result of hackers and viruses. Today, most organizations store their data on remote cloud servers accessible with a username and the appropriate password (Kim & Solomon, 2012). However, there is a higher risk of losing the data through viruses, hijackers, and wrong-minded

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Employee Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employee Resourcing - Essay Example The modern corporate era is exhibiting a remarkable transformation for both the HR practitioners and the HR activities. These changes are both revolutionary and evolutionary. Today the managers are more informed and the HR specialists are expected to do some value addition keeping pace with the organizational sustainability and competitive advantage. The line managers on the other hand are expected to manage the human resource as well as the other resources of the organization. The precise role of HR functions within an organization and the distribution of HR activities and responsibilities have been influenced in the modern era, by the following contingency factors: Ownership, sector, size, tradition and stage of development of an organization The degree of dynamism in the competitive environment having the influence of political, economic, social, technological, international and legal factors as the external change agents for the organization The attitude of the senior management towards dealing with the employees The implementation of unitary, neo unitary or pluralistic practice to the employment relationship The reputation, competence and track record of HR job holders and the absence or existence of the capacity or skills to resource talent efficiently. The job of the HR personnel today, are effectively influenced by the strategy of the organization. Thus it can be concluded that, the ultimate work has remained the same today whereas the way of doing it has changed drastically (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2010, pp. 2-29). Answer 2- Today the changed way of doing jobs affects the relationship between the employer and employee to a large extent. The employees often get scared with the idea of losing job any day which is commonly known as the â€Å"here today gone tomorrow† concept, though it is possible to prove statistically that jobs in many sectors are greatly secured, still with the managerially developed necessity of change and adaptation, along with t he global recession of 2009, which has enormously transformed the employee’s perspective of job permanence. The employers constantly keep on encouraging the employees to enhance their personal skills in order to maintain employability. As a result the employees get much more loyal to their own capabilities and skills. According to Armstrong and Brown (2001) the managers should not underestimate the importance of pay as a means of attracting and retaining the employees as it is considered as a factor which if can prove to be damaging if handled casually. But to generate long-term dedication from the end of the employees, it is necessary to put proper focus the non-monetary benefits too. Thus the employer-employee relationship of the modern times involve a transactional psychological contract which means they are satisfied until they have got â€Å"something in it for them† and as soon as the â€Å"something† is removed, they would opt for an alternative option. T heir relationship is thus much more self-centered rather than familial (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2010, pp. 2-29). Answer 3- The changed work patterns of the present era showcases some basic trends which are- Easy acceptance of technological changes Strong prejudice regarding minority groups Willing to acquire a work-life balance greater than their previous generation Inclination towards strong ethical practices within the organization Influenced by a global viewpoint Intolerance towards tight and bureaucratic control system Easy dealing with job insecurity (Taylor, 2005, p.46) Answer 4- Generally the hiring decision of an employer is greatly affected by uncertainty as the productivity of the applicant cannot be measured directly. In such situation the employer gets interested in getting information that would serve as the ideal statistic for the applicant’s work potential. As per Spence (1973), â€Å"signals and indices are terms used to determine his assessment of an