Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Violence in Mass Media - 594 Words

Violence in Mass Media Violence is everywhere and in everything from what we see to what we hear. Today’s society has become acquainted with the violence in video games, tv shows, movies, and music since it is everywhere but many have become too attached to this violence and brought it to real life. Many assume that getting rid of this violence is essential to a more passive and peaceful society but there are more benefits to the portail of violence that society sees today. One of the key items that people assume that is the reason children of this society are more violent, is video games but they started as all things do, a harmless activity for fun. The first videogame was Pong and that was considered a fun game for everyone then to the game, Dungeons and Dragons, which had actual text and story and so on and after one of the most famous games, Legend of Zelda, games started to become more action packed and violent. Every game after Legend of Zelda started to become more violent, longer stories an d better graphics in the 1980’s but when it hit the 1990’s, games started to become more 3-D and realistic. People fear that because they are becoming more realistic every year that when people play them, they will be so lost in the violence and story that they will drag it into real life like the Newtown shooter, who said that he used Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 video game to train before the shooting. Video games have changed a lot from the past and are more immersive andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Mass Media on Violence1502 Words   |  7 Pagesraised within our society as to these games and programs becoming increasingly violent and whether this will lead to heightened violence and aggression by those exposed to such material. 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